We have had a busy few weeks coding in the new collaboration system for conversations and interaction. With the initial test alpha test users, we are having them test out how we are managing the individuals in the group. The best contributors will be incentivized and rewarded. The worst contributors will be banned. We need to work out the rules for what constitutes a good contributor vs. a bad contributor. One the rules are worked out and applied, we need to apply the rewards system and the system of banishment (probation or full banishment, by user name or by IP).
We cannot afford to turn Zabang forums into a free for all anarchy, complete with unintelligent, mean or predatory people that are there to take advantage of others. We are cultivating a system by which we create the environment to gather the right kind of user.
Zabang will be useful be only if it is a community where people feel safe and incentived to contribute URLs without being shamed or bullied. That is why we are putting a system in place for people to be directed into their own special community of like minded people.
So far, we have completed the functionality that allows the keyword search group leaders to completely ban users from that moderators group. We have also continued to refine the user experience on the chat forums.